Mess Kits Are Simple

It wasn't that long ago that our Pack decided to switch over from using paper products to mess kits. This decision was such an easy one to make, but took us way too long to make it. Why did it take us so long? Well, quite simply we were worried that we would end up having scouts/families without mess kits and therefore nothing to eat with on a campout. It turns out, that is never an issue because we bring some extra paper products in case this happens, but for the most part everyone has their mess kit every time.
So when searching for a mess kit, use the infographic above to help. You do not even have to go buy a fancy one - a simple Cool Whip container and plastic ware will work if that suits you and your family better. The most important thing is that we are practicing good Outdoor Ethics by not using paper products, and saving money in our food budget by not having to buy so many paper products.
If you have questions about mess kits - email us at!
Until next time - DO YOUR BEST!