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​Who We Are

Cub Scout Pack 75 is located in Mentor, Ohio and chartered by the St. Mary's Men's Club/Holy Name Society.  We have about 55 boys in our Pack and pride ourselves on a quality program that provides our scouts with Adventure, Leadership Skills, Character and Fun!  From camping and hiking to derbies and fishing, our scouts live the motto - Do Your Best!


In Pack 75 we prepare the boys for life beyond Cub Scouts through the Core Values of Scouting.  We strive to help each scout develop life long skills, leadership qualities and make friends that we hope they will have for a lifetime.  This is done through a quality program that encourages each boy to Do Their Best! Whether it is setting up a tent, retiring a flag, camping on destroyer ships, serving the community or hiking through the Battlefields of Gettysburg, our scouts have fun with a purpose. 

​Why Scouting?

Being involved in the Cub Scouting program opens a door to self-esteem and confidence, learning life skills, making friends, builds character and so much more.  Once you see all that the Cub Scouting program has to offer your son, you will be Hooked on Scouting!

© 2017 by Cub Scout Pack 75 - Mentor, Ohio

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