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The Pack 75 Leadership Team

The Leadership Team of Cub Scout Pack 75 is committed to providing a quality program in a family friendly environment that allows each boy within the Pack the opportunity to develop new skill sets while growing their current skill sets, see a positive example of living out the Core Values of Cub Scouting and have fun every step of the way.  Our Leaders take the recommended and required training offered by the Boy Scouts of America, participate in Leader Retreats and other outside training and learn and grow with the scouts.

The Pack Committee

Committee Chair - Adrienne Boehm
Advancement Chair - Rob Boehm

Treasurer - Mark Lisachenko

Secretary -  Elyse Nystrom
Committee Member - Lance Haverlock



The Pack Committee oversees the Pack Operations and Finances.  The Committee meets once a month to discuss the finances, advancement and program plans for the upcoming month.  The Committee is run by a chair (Adrienne Boehm) and is required to have at least 2 other members.  If you are interested in becoming a part of the Pack Committee please contact Adrienne Boehm at

The Cubmaster

Cubmaster - John Poggemeyer


The Cubmasters oversee the Pack Program and Events.  They emcee the Pack Meetings, arrange all pack events and oversee each Den.  They are in charge of overseeing the overall advancement of the Pack and that the boys are working toward their respective ranks and ultimately Arrow of Light rank before crossing over to Boy Scouts.  To contact the Cubmasters please contact John Poggemeyer at



The Den Leaders

Lion Leader - Mike Fiorelli
Tiger Leader - Kerry Domes
Wolf Leader  -Laura Cvelbar
Bear Leader - Kevin Shea

Webelos I - Al Nystrom
The Knights Who Say Ni - John Poggemeyer

Girl Den Leader - Adrienne Boehm



The Den Leaders are in charge of the Dens within the Packs.  Each Den Leader works with their particular group of boys (based on age/grade) to help them in their advancement progress and ultimately guiding them to Cub Scoutings highest award, the Arrow of Light!  The Den Leaders run the Den meetings, approve rank/advancement requirements and assist in various ways at the Pack level.

The Assistant Den Leaders

Lion Den -

Tiger Den - Cathleen Domes

Wolf Den - 

Bear Den - Matt Drew

Webelos I Den - Gayle Young

The Knigts Who Say Ni - Mark Lisachenko




The Assistant Den Leaders help the Den Leader with their group of boys in helping them advance and progress through their rank, ulitimately guiding them to Cub Scouting's highes award, the Arrow of Light!  The Assistant Den Leaders fill in when Den Leader are unable to attend meetings or need an additional hand at a meeting.  They also assist in various ways at the Pack level.

© 2017 by Cub Scout Pack 75 - Mentor, Ohio

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